Thursday, September 27, 2012

Moose Mishaps, Vegan Victuals and Practice Peeves

First, I would like to draw your attention to my outstanding use of alliteration in the title of this post. It really is the little things in life.

Moving on, I am writing this as my laundry is spinning, my dishwasher is running, my Guinea Pig is fed and my life is generally on track (for the moment... don't jinx it!) while waiting for the premiere of the new season of Grey's Anatomy.

It brings me back to days where my college friends and I would cram into a dorm room, usually mine, and mow down on the three or so pounds of Wings Over Burlington we'd purchased while laughing, crying and cheering for the fictional characters of Seattle Grace Hospital for an hour each week. As I've told you, you would totally be Christina Yang, who (in Season 3, which I'm currently destroying on Netflix) is the top intern of Seattle Grace. She is in a serious relationship with Preston Burke, the best cardio-thorassic surgeon in the country, and she lives, eats, sleeps and breathes surgery. She is very ambitious and focused and was always at the top of her class, but has a wild side as well. She is also hot, obviously.

I find myself identifying more with Isabelle Stevens, or Izzy, as she's referred to. Izzy is a tall, blonde doctor who cut a patient's LVAT wire to stop his heard and worsen his condition so he would receive a heart transplant he wasn't in line for because she was in love with him. Yep... that'd be me.

Regardless of who is who on the show, it's started up again, tonight being the season premiere. In celebration, I have whipped up "Lactarded Buffalo Chicken Dip" (read "Vegan Victuals") for my lactose intolerant roommate and I to nom on while getting wrapped up in the fictional lives of Seattle Grace yet again. She's currently watching the finale from last season, which I can hear her gasping and yelling at from her room. Very exciting stuff, clearly.

As for my day, although it didn't involve 90lb patients going all Edward Cullen to my Bella breast, it did involve a practice after which my team captains approached my head coach and I telling us we basically weren't coaching in a way that makes everyone feel "respected," which wasn't fun to hear. However, it raised the flag of "these damn kids these days need to buck up" blah blah blah. Which made me really irritated, and I don't know if it was more at them for being sensitive or myself for getting mad at them for being so. Either way, it put me in a foul mood.

Which was instantly alleviated when I got home and the mister called me to vent about his day. Apparently oversensitive high school girls are a cakewalk compared to his clinically insane boss who put two full droppers of something into the mister's water glass and asked him to "tell me how it affects you" and then had him move a grand piano a half a mile down a hill because it was "throwing off the energy in the room" that it was previously occupying. Yeah... after that, I was completely okay with having to deal with overdramatic high school girls. As if that wasn't enough of a day from hell, the mister also spent two hours breaking into his brother's girlfriend's car, which caused him to be late relieving the woman in the office at the time, which in turn caused her to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and smoke a moose on the highway. Fortunately, she was safe, but the mister had to go and save her, since her little Volvo was totaled. Needless to say, he is knocking a few back tonight. Which will give me some good reading material in the morning I hope... the mister is a serial drunk texter.

Off to bed for me... have to run in the morning. Ugh. This half marathon will be the death of me!



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