Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hi... my name is Brooke and I'm a Lazy Runner.

We should probably start our own Lazy Runners Anonymous. Especially since I have my half marathon in September... definitely no one is clapping for me right now. Haha.

I love you and your snow forts. I'm in New Employee Trainng right now... almost two months later... and I'm fighting to stay awake. Wishing I was watching Barbie Princess Pegasus. Or Sparkle Unicorn. Or whatever.

Danny is already chomping at the bit to get back to Dover, so I'm sure our next trip won't be far off. Once we're financially stable again after having to pay two rents and deposits and everything else, we will be Manner bound!! Although, you have to definitely make manner buns. Bc Danny says his are better.

Yeah, right.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Confessions of a bad blogger...

"Hello. My name is Amanda."

"Hi Amanda."

"It has been 10 days since my last run."

-Everyone hugs and cries and drinks free coffee over my struggle to overcome exercise-

Embarrassing. In real life no one applauds you when you're rewarding yourself/it's snowing/would rather play the Sims and as such fail to be physically active. Your friend is occasionally lazy.

I have also been very bad at posting for one reason or another. You should know that I have become an adept snow fort builder and have seen the Barbie Princess Pegasus movie at least 3 times. (Or maybe it's fairies. Or rainbow unicorns. Who knows.) I also started my new job at McGregor and it's fan-fucking-tabulous and I get free coffee. So the company will potentially bankrupt in a few months and my caffeine addiction will be to blame. I'm also taking full advantage of Emily's birthday week and will be enjoying many outings with my newly legal girl next door. :D

When is our next visitation? I miss you already! Oh yeah. Danny's alright too I guess. He's invited too. :P


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Just Keep Swimming... Just Keep Swimming...

Light of my life, dark of my knight (yes, like Batman... but you can call me Bob):

I have to tell you that the fishbowl analogy has gotten me through life the past couple of weeks. I finally think my tank is as disgusting as it can get because things are really starting to look like I can escape soon! Other than the impending trip to Dover (THREE DAYS! THREE DAYS!) Danny and I have decided (as you know) to live with each other. In doing so, we figured out that between the two of us, we will be saving almost ONE THOUSAND dollars a month. Holy Moley.

In other news, I got a pair of boots today for one dollar after trading in clothes at Plato's Closet and checking in on Four Square (which EVERYONE picks on me for but who's laughing now, bitches?!) Danny and I are also going to see our new apartment and make our friend dinner because she lives in it currently. AAAAAAAND we have a life plan to remedy this long-distance crap we've had for, what... five years now? We really planned that poorly. Good thing we're both so good at long distance.

Want some reading in between your incredibly awesome movie studying? Check this out!


