Dear Brooke, light of my life,
My apologies, dearest darling friend, for being such a slacker and not responding immediately! I have no doubt that you looked absolutely fabulous in your boots, and who knows, maybe the cramming of calves kept the swelling down a bit! Like compression stockings for old people, except stylish!
So my day yesterday consisted of my mother picking me up a little before 08:00 in the morning (and all the associated hurrying to shower in 8 seconds flat because 07:45 is not, in fact, the before agreed upon 08:30) and driving me and her friend Deb to Salem Mass, where we spent the day with her friends from the Passporter boards. Affectionately known as the Disney freaks. Do you remember the Disney World website that my mom posted on way back when? These are all the internet friends who live close enough for a get-together.
We walked all along the street fair, and my dear god (gods, shit, they're ALL Wiccan down there) that looks like a fun place to live in October. Everyone dresses in their gothic Halloween best, it was wicked fun! Lots of shops and everything is witch and magic based. Totally not out of place to wear a robe, cape, fishnets, or to carry a staff. We ate lunch at The Witches Brew (Mostly sandwiches and burgers, no bubble bubble toils or troubles) and our waitress lamented that there was a new wand store that mimicked Harry Potter and explained how insulting that was to actual witches who used wands. Then we went to the oldest candy store in the country, I'm told, and got a seat to go watch the zombie walk. Unfortunately, we discovered that the walk had been postponed until two hours from then, so we left, along with many disappointed zombies. Instead, we got a beer and waited for our Tales and Tombstones trolley tour. We dressed up in Maleficent horns and masks because, obvi, we <3 Disney.
Oh, and in the midst of all this I totally almost passed out for the hundredth time and actually avoided this for the first time ever! Go me! I just wish this would stop happening in front of my mom or I will never be allowed to eat maple syrup before marching band EVER.
Tonight, I'm taking my old partner Spencer, who ditched me because he doesn't love me enough to not move to Florida, out for a couple beers because he's back for a visit! Yay! I do have a new partner at work who starts in a week or two. Supposedly very very nice, but also very green. We'll see! :)
I miss you terribly lover, and I hope back to work continues to go well! (All things considered)
Yours until we're old and racing our scooties,
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