I wish the world was as easy and wonderful as it was when we were kids. I am forever saying how I wish I could use all those naptimes I fought now, kind of like rollover minutes. I miss the days when the most traumatic thing that happened to you was losing your favorite pair of sunglasses at the tender age of 5 (you would have been devastated, too, if you lost them. You don't see many purple flip down visor glasses with dinosaurs on them now a days) or when your dog chewed the head off of your favorite Barbie. I would rather have Tucker chew of a zillion Barbie heads than pay my student loans. But, such is life.
Speaking of life, it is so good right now, because it is HALLOWEEN!! My favorite time of year, a time in which you are allowed to dress up in whatever ridiculous (for some, read: slutty) costume you want, eat a TON of candy and no body cares, and drink lots of pumpkin flavored alcohol. It's the most wonderful time of the year, in my opinion... all the Christmas stories had it totally wrong. All this week I have been scheming a way to snag enough grey paint swatches to complete my 50 shades of Grey outfit, and finally with the help of miss Becca, reached my goal yesterday at Lowes. And so, an hour before the party started, we started cutting and taping the paint swatches to my standby little black dress, as this is what we came up with.

Among other amazing costumes there were a "ceiling fan" (girl dressed as a cheerleader with a shirt saying "go ceiling!") A "fork in the road" (her boyfriend, who'd taped a plastic fork to a black shirt with yellow road lines on it) the "chick magnet" (guy with a construction paper magnet on his chest with chicken stickers on it) and Amelia Earhart, complete with a giant, homemade hot air balloon, although none of us burst her bubble that Amelia flew in a plane.
It was an excellent night to say the least, one that I was really looking forward to ending downtown with some friends and oogling even more amazing costume choices, until the freight train of sickness pulled into station. Suddenly my sinuses were plugged, my throat was closing up and on fire, and I had a massive, pounding headache. (I say suddenly, but really these symptoms were all present all day long and I had done a damn good job of ignoring them.) Thankfully, Hello Kitty (or Becca... whatever) drove me to Price Chopper to purchase OJ, Nyquil and some of those delicious coconut bars you made me addicted to, and then brought me home. Two coconut bars and a shot of Nyquil later, I was in an over the counter medically induced coma and loving my life. Until about 5am when the freight train rolled into station again. Another shot of Nyquil, another 6 hours of sleep, and I am (tentatively) good to go.
Luckily, Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year, which means in the world of weekends, next weekend is another shot completely at dressing up.
Love living in a college town sometimes.
From my ensconcement on the couch with my OJ and soup in hand,