Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I wanna hold your HAAANNNNNDDDDDD!

Dearest Brooklyn, light of my world,

Oh heart! My very soul aches for your company, when thou art so far from my side! Thine beauty knows no bounds, and the goddess Aphrodite herself turns her head in shame when you are near. That I could offer a thousand years of torture for but one moment of your sweet voice calling my name in summons...

(This roughly translates to Amanda loves Brooke a lot.)

(.... Speaking of alot.....)

After your week in the fishbowl from hell I figured you could use a cyber-hug and a funny website. Cyber-hug sounds really dirty but I assure you it is not. Just a digital form of spider-monkeying.

Also, if you would like to study for my exam with me, (it's suuuuuper hard....) please go to the following link:

I was lying about the being super hard part. This is my music class. Identifying these particular songs and talking about musical elements within them. Love it.

I hope you have a lovely hump-day evening planned! (That one might be dirty...)

Love and hugs and snuggles and such,


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lets Get Up To Speed

My dearest darling Manner:

Holy good gods I have been a busy human the past month or so! Besides securing the job (hooray!) and leaving my other job (also hooray!) I have been attempting to get healthier, which involves more running, spinning, and less butter and cream (damn it.)

There are a lot of things we need to catch up on. Firstly, I am SO SO SO happy College Student 2.0 is going so well for you so far! Obviously, it would. You are incredibly amazing and I'm not surprised you have multiple planners for all of your crazy awesomeness. That's a perk of the new job... I get a sweet new planner, along with a work laptop, work phone, and lunch breaks! Secondly, my coworkers are all so sweet and simultaneously assholes because all I did was cry this week. Two things of flowers, cupcakes, an abundance of nice, sad, borderline threatening emails begging me not to leave. It was really nice to feel appreciated after 2 years of being there... sad it had to be on the last day.

Thirdly, I am head over heels hard in love with Mr. Chefy-chef Hoyt. He is the proverbial cheese to my macaroni, which is convenient seeing as he makes some of the best I've ever tasted. He's at an interview right now while I sit perched at a cute little coffee shop that Burlington is so famous for sipping cafe au lait (minus the lait) avec my frozen fingers (minus the frozen part, too... so I'm drinking black coffee and people watching from a warm window seat. haha.)

I've also been watching a family with a mom, dad and kiddo play in the snowbank across the street from me for about a half hour and it's making my uterus scream. CUTEST THING EVER. The kid keeps "pushing down" his dad, and when the dad doesn't fall, the mom helps by shoving him off the pile. It's incredible.

Speaking of uterus screaming, princess is absolutely allowed to help you destroy the book. And it looks like she's doing a great job of it! haha. I can't wait for you to take the book in the shower with you and send me that picture. That and sew this page, the random signature page and wear the journal. Clearly, I spent ample amounts of time looking through it before I sent it to you. Haha.

Well, I'm going to go get another cup of coffee, since 8:30am is an hour I haven't seen in a very long time and my body is not liking it. One. Little. Bit. Oh, evening shift, how you continue to make my life miserable. After another cup, I might be able to think of a clever and witty title for the food blog Danny and I are going to start up... any suggestions?


Pascale xo

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I get by with a little help from my friends...


Just a quick one today... I hope you don't mind that the princess is helping me destroy my journal. <3

The maniacal giggle when she realized that she got to rip the paper makes me think that she may have a future in super-villianry...

Her hair is in many braids because she wants curly hair for pajama day tomorrow. (Straight haired-people problems.) The bow is because she is on a Matilda kick.

Fun fact: I do not look cute while biting paper.

Have a wonderful day lovely! (Say hello to boyfriend for me!)
